Blog and Get Hired

Reputation management. A new-ish term that now includes your online identity along with everything else. Now, you’ve got to be your own personal spin doctor. We’ve all heard about how blogs can get you fired (re: the Microsoft case) here’s a cool post that shows how blogs can get you HIRED.

Another Blog Leads to a Job
In yet another case of 21st century job hunting I have discovered another person who used a blog to get a job. Carolynn Duncan, of
Utah, created…
7/25/2006 10:35:07 AM [Secrets of the Job Hunt]

Would this strategy work for you? According to one marketing exec, YES. In fact, he told me about a marketing position where the right blog could make all the difference.

Challenge: Think about starting a blog. You can do so for free at sites like and others. Before you begin, think about how you’d like to be represented online. Your brand. To check out your current online reputation, Google your name and see what happens. How do you look?

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