Job Action Day: Create Your Own Opportunity

While Job Action Day is officially Nov. 1, I thought the topic was terrific and needed a few more posts.

I recently spoke with a job seeker who told me, “Why can’t I just go to work? Why do I have to go through all this job search process. It’s really annoying.” She had been downsized and looking for the past year. Zero interviews thus far.

She was going to send me her resume for a free review, but I’ve yet to see one. Typically, if there are no interviews, it’s likely a resume issue. It can also be a search strategy issue.

The job search process itself can be pretty discouraging. So, how about making a change? Instead of spraying your resume all over the internet and praying someone calls you, create your own opportunity! Yes, you can still do so, even in today’s economy. That’s what Job Action Day is all about.

The Story of George

George is a professional with a solid background in information technology and talent management. He came to one of my Rock Your Network events, where I had some presenters from a local company sharing their expertise in how to use job boards effectively, including networking your way to the right decision maker.

This gave George some solid ideas about how he could make a positive contribution to this organization. He took the initiative to talk with the presenters after the event. He got names, specifically, the name of the owner of this organization.

George then set up a meeting. He prepared in advance, outlining what he could bring to the table. The meeting went well. Then came the wait. It was a long one.

He asked me about this, “What should I do?” Of course, I asked if he’d had a chance to follow up.

So, he followed up a few times, professionally, adding value each time.

A few months later, George was hired – in a brand new – created-just-for-George – position at this company. It was a management role AND paid well.

A few years later, George created another opportunity for himself with a new company. He networked his way in, and as before, conveyed his value, and was hired.

Was it instant gratification? NO. Was it proactive? YES. Did it take some courage? YES.

Can you do this? YES.

Go on, take a chance! And please do share your experience!

Graphics: Created by SnapHappy Creative LLC




Job Action Day, Nov. 1: count me in

I’m looking forward to being a part of this year’s Job Action Day on Nov. 1, organized by Quintessential Careers. Be on the lookout for exciting career tips to manage your career in today’s economy. It’s a new world out there and career pros throughout the country will be providing their expertise. Here’s more about Job Action Day:

Quintessential Careers marks third annual Job Action Day worldwide on Nov. 1, 2010 — a day for job-seekers and employers to face realities of new job market and create new career opportunities — with fresh and powerful advice from helpful career articles and blog entries from career experts.

Some key indicators of this new world of work include:


  • Fifty percent of the workforce added in 2010 will be made up of one form or another of contingent workers, says the report The Emerging New Workforce by Littler Mendelson, P.C., which provides employment and labor-law solutions. “As a result,” the report states, “approximately 25 percent to as high as 35 percent of the workforce will be made up of temporary workers, contractors, or other project-based labor. The numbers of professionals working in temporary or alternative work arrangements will continue to rise. Flexible work schedules and telecommuting will increase as companies turn towards practical solutions to efficiently complete tasks while retaining talented individuals.” [Similar sources: Freelance Nation: Why Permanent Jobs May Not Come Back by Charles Hugh Smith, DailyFinance; Need a job? Contract work could be new normal by Eve Tahmincioglu, MSNBC; One-in-Five employers to hire full-time, permanent staff in Q4: survey by International Business Times]
  • A looming skills mismatch is preventing some workers from obtaining jobs even as employers increase hiring. During the recession, employers had to make do with fewer workers, and those workers took on more functions. “Now, someone who hopes to get those jobs must meet the new requirements,” reports Christopher S. Rugaber in an Associated Press article. Technology has also added to the skills mismatch. [Similar source: The Stagnating Labor Market by Arjun Jayadev and Mike Konczal, The Roosevelt Institute]

“The workforce as we’ve come to know it will probably never be the same,” said Dr. Randall S. Hansen, founder and publisher of QuintCareers. “Job-seekers must develop a whole new mind-set to thrive in this new world of work. That’s why our 2010 Job Action Day theme is ‘Create Opportunity,'” Hansen said. “The theme has a double meaning; not only must job-seekers create opportunity, but we encourage employers and the government to find ways to create opportunity, as well.”

Read more about this event here:

And I’ll be providing a series of articles on my blog to help you Rock Your Career®, communicate your value, and create opportunities. Be on the look out!